Let's build the world's NFT search engine

We're building the world's best search engine for NFTs. We start by indexing them all.

September 1, 2021

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We're building the world's best search engine for NFTs. We start by indexing them all.

Adding an NFT using the hints page

The first way is to use the hint page: https://center.app/nft/add

Adding an NFT with the API

curl -XPOST \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
  -d '{
    "address": "0xfa932d5cBbDC8f6Ed6D96Cc6513153aFa9b7487C",
    "token_id": 12345,
    "submitter": "omarish.eth",
    "chain_id": 1,
    "network": "ethereum-mainnet"
  • address: The NFT address
  • token_id: The Token ID
  • submitter: your eth address or ENS domain
  • chain_id
  • network: ethereum-mainnet