Build Friend.Tech Apps with Center's Newest API

Get real-time trade activity with Center.

August 23, 2023

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We’re releasing a new suite of APIs to help power the growth and decentralization of

Tracking Recent Trades

Trades are one of the core building blocks for the Friend.Tech protocol. Using our API, you can see recent trades in several different ways:

  1. Trades Across the Entire Protocol:
  2. Trades For a Single Subject:
  3. Trades For a Single Trader:

Here's an example:

center ❤️

Leaderboards: Coming Soon

Beyond just seeing individual trades, our Friend.Tech API will soon support aggregate leaderboards, including:

  1. Top Subjects (Friends): Who is the most popular based on trading volume?
  2. Top Traders: See the top traders, sorted by volume and profitability. Combine that with our trades API to build a powerful stream and keep track of what the top traders are doing.

Real Time Events

Are also coming soon. We actually have not built this yet (otherwise we would have shipped it), but if this is something you would find useful, please let us know ( and we will ship it for you.