Now available: NFT collection trading volume

Center now provides best-in-class collection trading volumes.

July 25, 2023

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We are pleased to announce that the Center API now provides best-in-class NFT collection trading volume.

What makes our market data best-in-class?

  • Pristine accuracy: We have the best indexer on the market, which means we never miss a transaction.
  • No caching: We do not cache any of our data – that means we reflect new sales immediately after we see them on chain.
  • Variety of currencies: We provide all of the data to our users, exactly as we see it on chain. This means you will get the full range of currencies that we see – ETH, WETH, USDC, and more. We let you decide how you want to aggregate it.

How do I use it?

Check out our brand new collection volume endpoint in our docs .

We currently support market data on Ethereum-mainnet from opensea and blur. We'll be adding additional chains and marketplaces soon.

Want us to add a chain or marketplace? Let us know at

Wen floor price?

Over the next several weeks, we will be rolling out new endpoints as we build a best-in-class market data suite. Stay tuned for floor prices.

We will also be adding more features to our trading volume endpoint:

  • Marketplace breakdowns: We will let you break out trading volume by marketplace. Want to see how the volume on Blur compares to OpenSea? With our API, it will be easy.
  • Custom, granular timeframes: We will let you precisely determine the timeframes that you care about. Our standard response provides trading volume over a common set of timeframes (6h, 24h, 7d, 30d). If that's not good enough, you'll be able to specify a custom timeframe. This includes historical timeframes – if you care about trading volume in June 2022 specifically, we can provide it.

Want beta access to these features? Reach out to