Notifications API in Private Beta

Get real-time notifications on NFT events

July 18, 2022

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Our Notifications API is now in private beta. Notifications let you subscribe to NFT and contract-wide events and get notifications for the following events:

  • NFT Minting and Burning
  • NFT Transfers

How to Subscribe to NFT Events

Say you wanted to subscribe to all NFT mints, transfers, and burns from the Ethereum MFers collection:

curl -XPOST -d '{
  address: "0x79FCDEF22feeD20eDDacbB2587640e45491b757f",
  topics: [
}' <>

Then, when mints happen:

  "type": "ASSET/MINT",
  "payload": {
    "network": "ethereum-mainnet",
    "address": "0x1dfe7Ca09e99d10835Bf73044a23B73Fc20623DF",
    "tokenId": "1523361",
    "from": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "to": "0x16006E3Bb6A1953c78C4b11cB87309C446c5674A",
    "blockNumber": 15235670,
    "logIndex": 366

Or transfers:

  "type": "ASSET/TRANSFER",
  "payload": {
    "network": "ethereum-mainnet",
    "address": "0x1dfe7Ca09e99d10835Bf73044a23B73Fc20623DF",
    "tokenId": "102424",
    "from": "0xFEee9e8C8099F9e6F760192e707A56F4dFB64e65",
    "to": "0xEcB1c7886fdac9234F2a16d767586FF9CAefbaDF",
    "blockNumber": 15235428,
    "logIndex": 146

Or burns:

  "type": "ASSET/MINT",
  "payload": {
    "network": "ethereum-mainnet",
    "address": "0x1dfe7Ca09e99d10835Bf73044a23B73Fc20623DF",
    "tokenId": "1523361",
    "from": "0x16006E3Bb6A1953c78C4b11cB87309C446c5674A",
    "to": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "blockNumber": 15235670,
    "logIndex": 366